We pride ourselves on going the extra step to push for Program/Project Leaders instead of Managers;
The Iceni Group is a small team of experienced Program/Project Managers with many side skills such as Software and Systems Engineering and various process methods. We pride ourselves on making Project leaders out of Project Managers, whether for an internal or an external project, if you are a prime or sub-contractor we can ensure your results are successful usually with time and cost savings. Another advantage, we have is that we are a very agile team, using our specific skills to make sure you are successful. We like to say that if you hire one of us, you have hired all of us. We are all experienced engineers with 20+ years of experience each, with the exception of our new member who has just graduated with a Master's in Systems Engineering and is well versed in some modern tools and practices of model-based systems engineering
"We have our own course in Systems Engineering as well as partnered with VMEdu for Scrum and Agile training and certification.
We also provide direct support to other issues, business processes, management consulting new technologies, and out-of-the-box thinking about solutions, so if there is any doubt about your plans, please call on The Iceni Group to help!